(for browsing the source. For installation, see below).artifact/bin
(for platform x64 Windows 10
directory tree.Tutorial
tab contains more details about running the tool.
The code base of P is so large that we included only the source code of the most relevant sub-projects in src/
We also highlighted the most interesting parts in those sub-projects in the following figure.
Source code tree (shown in Visual Studio 2017)
Use the following command to check out the entire code of P:
git clone -b StateHashing --single-branch The implementation of our tool is in the
Prerequisite: To install our tool from source code, you first need to install P on your machine.
Use the above command to check out the source code and then follow the instruction on the wiki page of P.
Warning: It will take some efforts to successfully install P. This is not required to reproduce our results; you can rely on the binaries instead.
Open a command line and run the following commands, for testing executability.
cd bin/x64/Binaries ./pt.exe /h